
Life as a Girl in IIT

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Jan 14, 2024 · 2 mins read
Life as a Girl in IIT
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The Challenges of Being a Minority

Being in the minority as a female student at an IIT comes with its own unique set of challenges and obstacles. Making up less than 20% of the total student body means unwanted attention from male peers is unavoidable at times. Some girls are even seen as celebrities on campus simply due to their gender. While their male counterparts entered IIT mainly due to family and community support, many female students had to overcome tremendous individual and societal barriers to earn their spot through nothing short of extraordinary talent and perseverance.

Handling Unwanted Attention

With a boy-to-girl ratio around 18-to-1, it’s little surprise girls find themselves the involuntary center of attention. While most boys mean no harm, the relentless stares and unnecessary comments wear on a person over time. Some girls learn to deftly maneuver social interactions while keeping unwelcome interest at bay. Others form inner circles of close friends as a defense mechanism of sorts against unwarranted attention from anonymous male peers.

Proving Oneself Through Merit Alone

Female IIT students face pressures their male peers do not to consistently excel academically as the only way to gain true respect and minimize doubts about their qualifications. Many internalize the need to achieve high grades and accolades as the sole means of validating their worth independent of gender stereotypes. This added burden to constantly over-perform takes its own psychological toll over time.

Finding Companionship and Romance

Dating and relationships play a big role in the university experience for many students. However, navigating this aspect of life poses unique challenges for girls at IITs given their numerical disadvantage. Limited options mean female students are careful in choosing romantic partners to avoid damaging reputations through frivolous behavior.

Seeking Compatibility Within Senior Circles

Most girls form lasting connections with senior male students who demonstrate greater maturity and empathy. Upperclassmen are seen as more stability and relationship-minded compared to younger peers still adjusting to independence away from home. Connecting with seniors allows finding companions equally focused on academics and personal growth.

Evaluating Suitors Beyond Surface Traits

With many male suitors to pick from, girls discern character and compatibility over superficial traits like handsomeness alone. Qualities of empathy, respect and emotional investment prove much more significant in the choice of long-term partners. Physical attraction matters little without interpersonal chemistry and shared values.

Leaving a Legacy of Inspiration

While the IIT environment poses unique social and academic hurdles for girls, female alumni now serve as powerful role models. By breaking stereotypes through sheer will and talent alone, they help normalize the idea of gender equality in STEM. Current students derive courage and motivation knowing successful women have proven any goal attainable through dedication and hard work regardless of gender. The legacy of IIT’s female pioneers will inspire generations to follow. Life as a Girl in IIT

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