
How Fitness Should Be Approached For True Health and Happiness

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Jan 01, 2024 · 3 mins read
How Fitness Should Be Approached For True Health and Happiness
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Understanding the Disconnect between Fitness and Health

While fitness and aesthetics have their place, true health and optimal performance come from a balanced lifestyle, not extremes. The fitness industry often promotes an extreme focus on lean physique and grueling workouts as the path to health, but this approach can backfire.

Beyond Six-Pack Abs

Years ago I pursued the leanest physique I could achieve, working out up to six hours daily in pursuit of six-pack abs. I achieved great leanness and muscle definition, but this extreme lifestyle made me miserable and injured. When an injury sidelined me, I quickly regained the weight. I learned that health does not equal leanness or aesthetics, and optimal performance demands a balanced approach, not discomfort.

Prioritizing Health over Fitness Extremism

True health is about balance - balancing workout intensity with adequate rest and recovery, physical training with social/mental well-being. The fitness industry promotes unrealistic body standards that fuel insecurity. But you cannot find happiness by hiding away doing endless crunches - you need connection. Focus first on becoming emotionally and mentally healthy before pressuring yourself with unrealistic fitness or weight goals.

Redefining Fitness Success and Comfort

Optimal performance comes from an expanded comfort zone, not extremes. Constant discomfort burns you out physically and mentally.

Comfort, Not Extremism, Drives Performance

In sports, optimal performance does not require zero body fat or endless intense training - those extremes cause injury and fatigue, undermining performance. Success comes from finding your optimal individual balance of pushing your limits while also honoring your need for recovery and self-care.

Vanity vs. Performance-Focus

My past extreme focus on aesthetics and leanness undermined my athletic performance long-term. Now I prioritize strength, mobility and resiliency over any particular weight or appearance standard. This performance-oriented mindset allows me to train hard without fear of minor weight fluctuations harming my self-image.

Rethinking Fitness Goals for Healthier Living

True health emerges from sustainable balanced lifestyle habits, not fleeting physical changes or comparisons to others. Redefining your relationship with fitness can support holistic well-being.

Developing an Internal Locus of Motivation

When I based my self-worth on how fit or lean I appeared compared to others, it fueled insecurity. Now I focus on achievements like lifting personal records, gaining flexibility or mobility - goals set by my own improving ability, not unrealistic standards from glossy magazines. This internal focus boosts confidence.

Finding Fitness Joy Through Social Connections

While intense isolated training provided temporary pleasure, my best mental health and longevity in sports result from a balanced approach with time for social activities, hobbies and relationships. Fitness done in a supportive community provides motivation while also meeting basic human needs for social connections.

Working with Clients to Achieve Sustainable Health

As a coach, my goal is empowering clients to meet their potential for vibrant, fulfilling lives through balanced healthy lifestyle habits - not fleeting changes or comparisons. Certain coaching approaches better support clients’ long-term wellness and self-esteem.

Providing Individualized Support and Accountability

Each person’s needs and starting point differ. I help clients pinpoint functional fitness and lifestyle goals tailored to their priorities, then provide support, accountability and enthusiasm to achieve sustainable progress over time.

Fostering Self-Care, Self-Esteem and Community

Along with workouts, I encourage clients to nourish basic human needs for meaningful social connections and rest. We celebrate non-physical achievements and work on reframing their self-talk to embrace individual strengths. Clients support each other’s journeys, enhancing wellness for all.

Guiding Clients Toward an Internal Locus of Motivation

Rather than relying on external validation, I facilitate clients developing self-compassion and intrinsic sources of pride and joy - like surpassing a mobility milestone or sharing a new hobby with loved ones. This inner confidence fuels long-term healthy habits by weathering inevitable life changes.

In Summary

By embracing balance, individuality and intrinsic goals, fitness becomes a pathway to enhanced well-being, performance and resilience - not a vehicle for insecurity or extremes. With care, understanding and community, true and sustainable health can be achieved. How Fitness Should Be Approached For True Health and Happiness

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