elasticache, redis, spring,

ElastiCache with keyspace event

Ngoc Ngoc Follow Jun 25, 2023 · 1 min read
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Problems when using ElastiCache with keyspace event

faced this error when I tried to use notify-keyspace-events option in spring data redis.

Caused by: org.springframework.data.redis.RedisSystemException: Error in execution;
nested exception is io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: ERR unknown command `CONFIG`, with args beginning with: `GET`, `notify-keyspace-events`
  • In my case, I was using AWS Elasticache which does not allow CONFIG command.
  • I was able to solve this error by setting empty string in keyspaceNotificationsConfigParameter
      enableKeyspaceEvents = RedisKeyValueAdapter.EnableKeyspaceEvents.ON_STARTUP,
      keyspaceNotificationsConfigParameter = ""
  • By using this option, I was able to stop sending CONFIG command to Elasticache.
  • It will keep the existing Elasticache configuration.
  • The default value is ‘Ex’
  • Since the configuration of Elasticache cannot be changed by CONFIG command, notify-keyspace-events option should be manually changed in AWS before using it.
  • AWS Guide will help configuring notify-keyspace-events option.
  • The option should be ‘Ex’
Written by Ngoc Follow
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